
香港大學(xué)在職MBA大灣區(香港-深圳)模式線(xiàn)上招生說(shuō)明會(huì )

  • 嘉賓

  • 內容簡(jiǎn)介

    Designed by a world-class, award-winning faculty with deep Asian and global expertise, the part-time MBA at the HKU Business School equips you with the tools you need to comprehend, manage and capitalise on the superb location of Hong Kong and its positioning within the Greater Bay Area. With a weekday-weekend mode, working professionals can avail of maximum flexibility to balance their work-study life.

    Modern-day professionals need to be equipped with a learning experience that bestows upon them a first-class education, real-world experience, and a deep understanding of international business and culture. Our part-time MBA programme is specifically designed through a case-based, experiential-learning approach infusing all-rounded knowledge, with the 2021-22 re-designed curriculum, elective subjects are focused on the key themes of Business Tech and Innovation Finance, Strategy and Consulting, Managing in China & Asia, Marketing and General Management. Studying alongside peers who are experienced management professionals from local and regional companies, you will learn to apply business theories and models to real-life, context-rich situations, based on actual problems that companies are facing around the world.

    A series of Executive Development Workshops have been created to encourage the students to fully engage in a unique learning experience while sharpening their soft skills. The series of workshops are spread across the entire academic year and will be conducted on topics that include Business Communication & Presentation Skills, Managerial Leadership & Executive Presence, Problem Solving & Critical Thinking Skills, and High Performing Teams & Collaborations Skills.

中國MBA教育網(wǎng) 問(wèn)題反饋平臺


  • 院校老師
  • 備考生
  • 其他用戶(hù)


  • 先生
  • 女士



服務(wù)熱線(xiàn):010-8286 3124

台东市| 泽州县| 将乐县| 仪征市| 格尔木市| 洪湖市| 福海县| 辽宁省| 沾化县| 万全县| 阿尔山市| 西昌市| 吉木乃县| 鲜城| 西盟| 玛沁县| 松阳县| 金塔县| 仁化县| 韶关市| 丹寨县| 高台县| 宁南县| 宜兴市| 龙岩市| 伊川县| 上虞市| 无为县| 武乡县| 惠东县| 吴桥县| 松潘县| 固阳县| 于都县| 靖西县| 县级市| 博罗县| 佛山市| 吐鲁番市| 柯坪县| 鲜城|